
Hold on, You Might Need That

Every month, you get a check stub. Some companies send it to your physical mail box, while other employees might send you an email with a secure file. No matter how you get your check stub, the last thing you should do is throw it away. There are a lot of uses for check stubs.  When a situation arises that you need one, you don’t want to be caught lacking. Check Stub Maker helps you create professional check stubs online. We take care of the math, the tax calculations, and any deductions. We make it easy for you to send your employees a check stub. Since we deal in the world of check stubs, here is our list check stub uses.

The times and places for a check stub

  • Home loans: When you are on the market for a new home, you will spend a lot of time looking for a house that meets your needs and desires. When it is time to qualify for a home loan, guess what, the lending institution is going to want to see proof of employment. Depending on the lender, they could require check stubs that go back anywhere from a few months to a few years. The same is true when you decide to refinance on your mortgage. In order to secure the loan, you need to provide the lender with proof that you have a job and have an income. You will be able to show both when you provide your professional check stub from Check Stub Maker.
  • Car Loans: There are a lot of lenders out there that will require you to provide a pay stub when you get a car loan. Lending companies are in the business of loaning money. They want to reduce their risk and make certain they are getting their money back. For that reason, they will not take you at your word when you go in for a loan. You will need to provide a check stub as proof.
  • Renting: Renters are in the same situation. The last thing they want to do is bring a tenant into their complex that cannot pay rent. Your renters will ask you to provide a few check stubs to verify that you have a job and will be able to pay rent.
  • Driver’s License: In many states, they require that you provide some type of proof that you live where you say you live. That being said, what better tool to bring into the driver’s license division than a paystub with your address on it?
  • Library Card: If you want to get a library card you will need to provide proof of residency. Again, you can use your check stub because it has your address on it.
  • Proof: In some cases you will need to provide proof that you are paying taxes, child support, wage garnishments, or other payroll deductions. These situations can easily be remedied when you bring in your check stub. When you use Check Stub Maker, you will be able to accurately show all of the deductions your employees need to make from their paychecks.

This list is not exhaustive by any means. There are plenty of other instances when providing a check stub will help you out, get more answer on the FAQ page. The take home message is that you need to hang onto your check stubs. If you get them in the mail, you might want to create a special file folder in a filing cabinet. If you send your employees electronic check stubs from Check Stub Maker, save them onto your computer. Keeping a file of your check stubs will allow you to have them when you need them most. If you want to reduce the headache of lengthy calculations, when all you really want to do is run your business, then Check Stub Maker is perfect for you. For professional, easy to create check stubs, think Check Stub Maker.

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